Stop "Legalized Bribery": I would make
the government accountable to the citizens not Special Interest
lobbyists by establishing civic oversight groups funded by a raise
of State Bar fees (estimated to be $4 Billion additional revenues)
and based upon a percentage of attorneys income. Ask yourself what
the Indian Gaming Tribes get in return from Bustamente for their $2
million dollars in campaign contributions.
Get Businesses Going Again: Stimulate the growth of
small businesses by lowering the cost of Worker Compensation
Insurance by stripping away the money sucked out of the system by
unethical attorneys, and insurance premium fraud by the insurance
companies themselves.
Lower PG & E Rates: I would not only void
$42 Billion in over priced energy contracts but also demand a rebate
of all money that was ripped off from us citizens by the culpable
Jobs: Create more jobs and provide vocational
training/educational assistance to those that are now unemployed by
recruiting businesses back to California with the understanding that
the companies must help stimulate our commercial growth and help
with the costs of such programs.
Less Government Expense: Freeze the hiring of any
new government employees except those related directly to emergency
services and start to downsize government which at this time has
layers of civil servants that are only used to thwart off grievances
against public officials by citizens.
Immigration Issues: Migrant workers would be
required to purchase a seasonal work permit from which the funds
generated would be used to pay for their needed health and
educational services. There would be severe financial and criminal
penalties for both employers and employees that hired illegal
workers without work permits.
Education & Senior Citizens: Reallocate
the anticipated 10’s of millions of dollars of hidden legal costs
in our budget to improving not only our educational system but also
providing more assistance to our senior citizens.
No New Taxes: I would not
any new taxes but I would seek to cut personal and property taxes to
the bare bone that generate revenues for the salaries of many
unneeded civil servants doing absolutely nothing waiting for a
Environmental: Induce business to be
environmentally conscious by rewarding them with special tax credits
when they have a proven record of complying with a well thought out
environmental program, but at the same time punish severely
companies that pollute our state.
Recruit Private Sector Contractors: I would
recruit private sector business contractors to come in and help fine
tune our budget in and compensate them based upon a percentage of
the money they save us.
No Alignment with Political Parties or Special Interests:
I would not align myself with any special interests or political
parties and promise that the will of the people would be enacted and
not overturned at the whims of political favors.
Return the Government and Judiciary Back to The People:
I would promote a private resolutions system where grievances with
public officials can be addressed immediately with out the
complexity, or cost of attorneys that feed a judicial industry that
pillages our state and the spirit of citizens and businesses alike.
Register to Vote by September 22, 2003